Inside of the Door of My Oven Caught Fire and Melted

This is one of the rare instances that we encountered with the Authentic Pizza Ovens. This customer was heating up their oven but the inside of the door caught fire and melted some parts of it. They tried to scrape it off since it was melting into the oven.

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When an oven gets too hot fast during curing (or when you don't follow the correct curing process), your oven will experience a more aggressive cracking on the outside, or worse, the door may catch fire.

The doors of our Premium ovens are made with high-grade cast aluminum. Aluminum doesn't melt unless it's exposed to temperatures greater than 630 degrees Celsius/1166 degrees Fahrenheit. It's apparent that this oven reached internal temperatures well over this threshold, probably between 700-800 degrees Celsius based on the pictures provided. It's very possible that the wood is the culprit, as it was possibly chemically treated.

To avoid this from happening to your oven, we highly suggest that you use a different and the right kind of wood and that you ensure it's a hardwood that isn't chemically treated and/or there isn't any added accelerant.

Despite the heat extremities, this oven looks great and hasn't been compromised in any regard. The doors of the oven are fine and you can clean them using dish soap and water, and can even use baking soda if needed. We recommend you clean the inside of the oven with a good bristle brush, with no chemicals or cleaner.

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